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(207/308) 1635 - EditorConfig gets confused after buffer save with :tabSize=

I discovered .editorconfig has priority over jedit properties inside the file, like :tabSize=8:
However jedit reads these properties also at buffer save, while EditorConfig does not. EditorConfig behaviour should be consistent and not change after buffer save. Maybe after save the editor config should reload the properties, like it does after load.

To reproduce:
1. .editorconfig
tab_width = 3
indent_size = 3

2. inside the file:

After opening the file, tab moves by 3. After save: by 8.

Expected behaviour: don't change the step after save.

Submitted jarekczek - 2012-08-04 16:38:00 Assigned xuhdev
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2012-08-11 17:38:06

Modeline is expected to have higher priority. However, I am wondering why modeline is loaded before all the three following BufferUpdate event:


If modeline is loaded before all these event, then any plugin cannot do something before modeline is loaded?

2012-08-18 09:00:57

How about reading modeline again after setting parameters read from .editorconfig?

2013-03-11 08:52:08

Sorry I didn't see this notification. Do you have any idea how can I trigger the readline loading process? Thanks.

2013-06-02 03:46:43

Any hints for me? Thanks\!